Sunday 6 September 2020

distractions pt20 - Home stretch

Way back in pt14 I said it was important to treat the household paint jobs like a marathon, not a sprint session. I showed a screenshot of my paint tracker and felt daunted by the amount of work ahead. Well, friends, this week we finally finished all of the indoor painting. Look at all of those Y's! 

For those of you following this saga,  we chose a bright butter yellow for the skirting/door frames upstairs and a deep blue for most of the skirting/door frames downstairs. The trim in the kitchen and bathroom is white gloss. There is also some tactical white gloss in the exterior doorways to make them seem bigger. These paints were so gloopy compared to the wall and ceiling paints, it was a bit of a shock when I started working with them! Also, the gloss paints look best with two coats - it was definitely worth the extra effort.

I am so relieved we have all "finished" rooms now. It feels like a big milestone!

There's still a bit of external masonry to paint, but I need to wait for a dry spell.

Stay safe 

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